This movie is "about" dinosaurs. Except like almost all dinosaur movies, it isn't actually about them. It's not really about anything, in fact; it's the kind of generic Hollywood nothing-script that is really just a vessel to convert the idea of dinosaurs into cash. The movie is pretty generic, very predictable, and low on tension for a movie that SHOULD be focused on tension by its nature as a "man stranded in the wilderness to survive" plotline. It would be nice if it was a lot more Subnautica (or The Martian if you prefer non-game references) and less modern Tomb Raider game, in fact (sticking with Vikander's Tomb Raider for this one). He never has to struggle to do anything but run from dinosaurs though! No foraging, no building, no discovery, no wonder. Sad.
At any rate, here's my free hot pro tip to anyone making a dinosaur movie: make at least one of the dinosaurs a Good Guy and not all villains. People who want dinosaur movies want to root for dinosaurs! And maybe don't bother at all if you have to hide them off-screen due to low CGI budgets and refusal to use practical effects most of the time. Dinosaurs are cool and making them all mean-spirited killing machines that are indistinguishable from Xenomorphs or whatever is lame.
A couple of other random thoughts the movie sparked since it's so generic that there's really nothing else to add:
Score: 4/10
IMDb: 65
PS: Since I don't have too much to say about this movie I want to discuss my rating scale a little more. I think a 7/10 is decidedly a Good Movie of its type; 8+ is a great movie, and 9-10 is a transcendent film even if it isn't the kind of genre I want at the time. At the bottom, 1 is just personally and deeply offensive in an almost spiritual way; 2-3 are just really bad movies; 4, like this one, are where the movie is kinda bad but if it's really want you want it'll probably do the job and pass the time. It isn't deeply flawed, just not particularly good. And a 5 is right at the point where I can't decide if I wasted my time or not.