I picked this particular poster above because I hate it. It has very few redeeming qualities. If you showed me this, I would not want to watch this movie. But that would be a mistake! Because it turns out this movie is actually pretty good. And not only that, the best character is featured front and center, right above those sad little humans. This is a movie I saw with fairly low expectations, and for once they were exceeded. Mostly by that big ol' fat lil dragon.
At any rate, the movie is a pretty standard adventure movie. This is good, because not enough adventure movies are made. Started a little slow with a bit too much of an exposition dump, but it picked up later on, and didn't wear out its welcome by running too long.
The casting seemed pretty good in general, as well. While I was not a huge fan of Chris Pine, because I never seem to be, he did not ruin the movie. And everyone else seems to love him, so it's probably just a personal problem. I suppose someone has to be the straight man, but I liked all the other characters somewhat more. For me in particular, I think Regé-Jean Page was the best character in the main cast, and I'm glad they jammed a very D&D Paladin in there.
Another notable thing is that they managed to embed tons of D&D-specific nonsense in there, but did so in a way that didn't really hurt the movie for people who had no "deep lore" knowledge or understanding of the game's mechanics or anything like that.
I don't have too much to say about the movie! Ultimately, I'm not sure I can say this is a GREAT film, but it is the kind of movie quality I'd be absolutely delighted to randomly click on while browsing the barren deserts of Netflix or whatever other streaming service I'm on.
Score: 7/10
IMDb: Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves
PS: They should make Muppet D&D. Kermit is already basically a bard. Also, it is almost time for Baldur's Gate 3 and I am beyond ready.